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Who was Bob Enyart? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Cause of Death

Bob Enyart Wiki – Bob Enyart Biography

Bob Enyart was an American radio host and pastor of the Denver Bible Church. He is best known as an activist against COVID mask mandates and COVID vaccines in general. He died of COVID on September 13, 2021. Enyart picketed the homes of abortion doctors, prompting a Colorado city to ban these types of protests in residential neighborhoods. Enyart also led residential protests against executives at a company that provided construction services for Planned Parenthood offices, prompting similar complaints from neighbors. Enyart criticized presidential candidates who did not share his views on abortion.

Enyart angered the families of AIDS victims when he read the men’s obituaries on his television show, Bob Enyart Live, and called the deceased a sodomite. A regular feature of the show included reading obituaries from AIDS patients while playing “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen, whose lead singer, Freddie Mercury, died in 1991 of complications from AIDS.

He was an advocate of corporal punishment of children saying that their “hearts are lifted” by spanking. He was convicted of a misdemeanor of child abuse in 1994 after beating his girlfriend’s son with a belt so hard that the beating broke his skin.

A series of late-night phone calls from Enyart to the general manager of the Kenosha, Wisconsin station, who was broadcasting his show, but who publicly disagreed with Enyart’s views, prompted Senator Russ Feingold to request a Federal Commission investigation. of Communications to see if any law had been violated. by the host of the talk show.

In June 2009, Enyart was convicted of breaking and entering following a protest at Focus on the Family. Bob Enyart filed a lawsuit that led to a U.S. District Court judge and Trump appointee issuing a temporary restraining order against Colorado’s public health order on COVID-19 and the wearing of masks. during religious services, also against the rules that prevent gatherings of more than 175 people during the pandemic. Bob Enyart and his wife refused to receive COVID vaccines from Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer, having unsubstantiated claiming that the vaccines had been “tested on cell lines from aborted fetuses.”

Bob Enyart Age

Bob Enyart was 62 years old.

Bob Enyart Cause of Death

Bob Enyart, a right-wing radio host in Colorado who urged people to boycott Covid-19 vaccines, died of Covid-19. Enyart’s death was reported two weeks after the Denver Bible Church said he and his wife had been taken to the hospital.

“Pastor Bob and Cheryl are in … good hands and improving daily,” the church said at the time. “We anticipate and pray for a full recovery. We both cried and rejoiced together during this challenging time. “In a Facebook post on Monday, Enyart co-host Fred Williams said:” It pains me a lot that my close friend and Real Science Radio co-host lost his battle with Covid. .

“Bob Enyart was one of the smartest and undoubtedly the wisest people I have ever met. All the while being extremely kind and humble, and always, always ready to listen and discuss anything you want. “The profit of heaven has left a huge hole here in the earth.”

In contrast, the Denver Post reported that Enyart was a brutal and experienced provocateur who once used a cable television show to poke fun at people who died of AIDS for his name. Enyart also called for women who underwent abortions to face the death penalty.

Regarding Covid-19 vaccines, Enyart said people should boycott vaccines “because … they tested these three products on the cells of aborted babies.” Last October, he successfully sued the state of Colorado over Covid-related restrictions on church attendance.

Enyart is not the first right-wing radio host to oppose vaccines and other Covid-19 public health measures, including masking mandates before dying from Covid-19. Four other such guests have died. More than 660,000 people have died from the virus in the United States. Amid a wave of cases arising from the infectious variant of the Delta virus, the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths occur among unvaccinated people.

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