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Who is Eden Torres? Wiki, Biography, Age, Trans woman called ‘sir’

Eden Torres Wiki – Eden Torres Biography

Eden Torres, a trans woman and founder and president of, claimed that she was the victim of transphobia from an employee who works at the Sonic fast-food restaurant chain in Houston, Texas. Torres uploaded two videos that captured her interactions with the employee on her social media. Since then, both videos have gone viral.

In a two-part video, Torres said she was subjected to transphobia after she placed her order at the fast-food restaurant and handed her credit card to her employee, who made the conscious decision to call her ” Mister”. She asks, “What about me that looks like a ‘sir’ right now?” The clerk then responds, “I’m sorry and I apologize for what happened. What else can I tell you, ma’am?

Trans woman called ‘sir’

Torres explained that after seeing her last name on the credit card, the staff began to confuse her. She asked if the fast-food company had done anything to make this particular establishment “trans competent.” At the time, the employee says, “I’m very sorry that he feels discriminated against, but we have employees here … who are gay.” Torres then pointed out that he is not talking about sexuality, but about gender identity. “I’m very sorry that you feel discriminated against,” says the employee, to which Torres responds: “It’s not that I ‘feel’. It’s that they discriminated against me. ”

In the second video, the clerk asks Torres: “Is the name on the credit card a female name?” to which she replies, “No.” Then the employee says, “Exactly! So they are not discriminating against him.”

“What are you going to?” he then asks as he continues to argue with Torres. “So I can call you sir or ma’am.” Torres then responds with, “What would you assume by looking at me?” The clerk says, “I assume you’re a man,” before Torres turns the camera to reveal himself. In a frustrated tone, Torres says: “Thank you. Whatever”and she walks away from her.

Torres started Pride Portraits after the Pulse Nightclub attacks in Orlando in 2016. She began photographing people outside a Pride Wall in Houston and collecting her stories. Five years later, she has photographed 6,000 people as part of Pride Portraits.

Torres, after the videos went viral, took to Twitter to write more about the incident, especially after she was bombarded with more transphobic comments. She wrote: “You realize that if I speak up, I am putting my life at huge risk. I have done absolutely nothing wrong apart from upholding what should be a human right. Be treated with respect. No one should be fired. I would recommend that Sonic hire a trans organization to train them. ”

She also said: “There is a trans competition problem. Aggressively calling me sir as a way to negatively impact me is transphobia. The people who defend the actions of this man and the other employees are cisgender and do not understand the complexities of dysphoria and many things that trans people face. ”

In another tweet, she explained the type of transphobia that she was subjected to by posting the videos. She wrote, along with a screenshot of a text message she received, “All day I have received messages like this. So far they have been threats or they want to tell me that I have a penis. At the end of the day, every comment is transphobic. it perfectly proves that transphobia is real. This world also seems to hate strong, confident women. ” Torres further said: “Transphobia shouldn’t be your default reaction if you don’t agree with me. We may disagree, but you must still respect and affirm my gender identity while doing so. ”

Responding to a tweet where Torres had tagged Sonic, the company apologized. The official Sonic Drive-in account tweeted: “Eden, we have a strict anti-discrimination policy and we take it very seriously. We launched an immediate investigation into the incident and have reached out to you via TikTok to gather the more necessary information to complete the investigation. Feel free to text us here. ”

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