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Who is James Bulger? Wiki, Biography, Age, Is Jon Venables dead

James Bulger Wiki – James Bulger Biography

James Bulger was a two-year-old boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England, who was abducted, tortured, and murdered by two 10-year-old boys, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, on February 12, 1993. Thompson and Venables directed Bulger walked away from the New Strand Mall in Bootle since her mother had taken her eyes off him momentarily. His mutilated body was found on a railway line 4 km (2.5 miles) away in Walton, Liverpool, two days after his abduction.

Is Jon Venables dead

The Internet is full of surprises and fake news. Recently, James Bulger’s killer Jon Venables was trending on Twitter in the UK and surprisingly it was about his “death”. Rumors began to circulate that he had been killed in Port Talbot, Wales, with some even claiming that his eyes had been gouged out.

One user tweeted: “Apparently Jon Venables has been killed.” Another added: “Rumors that Jon Venables has been assassinated. If this is true, justice has been served ”. However, before the hoax got any bigger, the Justice Ministry debunked the claims as “utter nonsense.” A UK Justice Ministry spokesman told the Daily Star on October 6, “I can confirm this is not true”, before calling the news “nonsense”.

Venables was only ten years old in 1993 when he kidnapped and killed 2-year-old Bulger in Bootle, Merseyside. The boy was with his mother at the New Strand Mall when Venables took him away with the help of his friend, Robert Thompson. The kidnapping led to search efforts after it was initially thought that Bulger would soon return safely.

Even after CCTV footage showed the two boys pulling him out of the mall, the police did not panic. They thought Venables and Thompson would have taken him to play. However, they couldn’t have imagined what happened next. The boy’s remains were discovered next to a railroad two miles from where he was abducted. It was soon revealed that the little boy was killed after being tortured.

Later, the duo were arrested and found guilty of killing Bulger. They became the youngest people to be sent behind bars for murder in more than 250 years. Since he was convicted of murdering Bulger, Venables has been in and out of jail frequently. From 1993 to 2001, he was inside Red Bank’s secure eight-bed unit in St Helens, Merseyside. But in June 2001, he was released and given a new identity.

However, seven years later, Venables was again arrested on suspicion of a brawl after a drunken fight. At that time, the authorities gave him a formal warning. The same year, he was also warned for possession of cocaine after a small amount of the class A drug was found with him.

In February 2010, Venables went to jail again for violating a lifetime license by saving photos of child abuse. In July of the same year, he was sentenced to two years in prison for downloading and distributing indecent photographs of children. He was released in 2013. But his freedom did not last long as the 39-year-old was again jailed for 40 months in February 2018 for possessing more than 1,000 indecent photos of children. Venables is said to be currently in a maximum Category A jail, the location of which has not been disclosed.

Meanwhile, after Venables was confirmed not dead, several people tweeted about it. One user wrote: “Well that’s a real shame.” Another said, “I think people just wanted to remind him that they will never forgive him, no matter how much protection he gets.” “You could have left this for a little longer, for once, the whole of the UK was expecting the same. We stopped being divided on Brexit, covid, politics, refugees and started to agree on something. Now it has dashed our hopes, ”added the third user.

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