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Who is Joshua Mankini? Wiki, Biography, Age, Charges, Suspect Arrested, Investigation Report

Joshua Mankini Wiki – Biography

Joshua Mankini a suspect identified was busted for allegedly assaulting a teenage schoolgirl in California after video showed a completely naked man chasing her down the street.

Joshua Mankini Age

He is 27 years old.


Mankini, 27, was hit with a slew of charges, including assault with intent to commit a felony, false imprisonment with violence, indecent exposure and annoyance or molestation of a child, court records show.

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He lives in a group home and managed to disable an alarm to his bedroom window and sneak out of the house, police told the Fresno Bee.

Suspect Arrested

The revealing video obtained by KFSN shows the totally nude man running down a suburban Fresno street in broad daylight on Friday morning chasing a teen as she headed to school.

The final confrontation was blocked by a van, but police say the girl was pulled to the ground and assaulted, managing to escape seconds later, according to KFSN.

Even when the girl and another friend, who was also chased, managed to get to the safety of a car driven by a parent, the suspect ran toward them and started banging on the window, according to cops.

“That’s your biggest fear as a parent right there,” neighbor Steve Alarcon told the station. “That’s scary scary.”


Investigation Report

And what’s even scarier is after the girls hopped into this nearby car, driven by a parent, for help, Mankini, according to police, went up to the vehicle and pounded on the windows.

You then see him running back to the home he broke out of completely unclothed as the car followed him.

Central High school officials sent an email to parents informing them of what happened.

In it, they reminded “students continue to travel with one or more trusted friends and stay in well-lit and well-traveled public places.”



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