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Who is Katalin Erzsebet Bradacs? Wiki, Biography, Age, Killed her Son

Katalin Erzsebet Bradacs Wiki – Katalin Erzsebet Bradacs Biography

Katalin Erzsebet Bradacs, 44, was arrested and taken into preventive custody after being accused of murdering her own young son, Alex Juhasz. The former nightclub dancer walked into a Lidl supermarket in the small town of Citta Della Pieve in Italy’s central Umbria region on Friday. Bradacs from Hungary is said to have screamed for help as she placed the bloody body of her son on top of a box.

Alex was pronounced dead at the scene after being found with nine stab wounds to the chest and neck. Bradacs was also treated at the scene, but police subsequently arrested her after they found a knife in her purse. Later that night, several items, including the young man’s bloody T-shirt and the woman’s sweater, were found in a nearby disused building. The area has been sealed off by the police as part of their investigation. Police have said that CCTV footage did not reveal any other suspects other than the boy’s mother.

Katalin Erzsebet Bradacs Age

Katalin Erzsebet Bradacs is 44 years old.

Katalin Erzsebet Bradacs killed her two years old son

Katalin Erzsebet entered the Lidl chain of stores in CittĂ  Della Pieve, a community in central Umbria, on Friday and screamed for help as she placed the body of her son Alex Juhasz on the counter, Newsflash reported. . The boy had been stabbed nine times in the chest and neck, according to the report. His blood-soaked T-shirt and her mother’s sweater were later discovered in a nearby abandoned building.

Bradacs was arrested and charged with murder after a knife was found in her purse, the news outlet reported. A former Hungarian porn star has been accused of fatally stabbing her 2-year-old son during a bitter custody battle and dumping her body in an Italian supermarket checkout, according to a report.

Investigators believe that the motive for the gruesome crime was revenge against Alex’s father, Norbert Juhasz, from whom the former adult actress separated and with whom she had become embroiled in an ugly child custody dispute.

The father had alerted authorities in Hungary, where he lives, after a picture of his dying son was reportedly sent to his cell phone via WhatsApp shortly before the woman brought the boy to the store, according to Newsflash.

“I did not kill my son,” Bradacs reportedly told police as she gave three conflicting accounts of events before deciding to keep quiet on the advice of her attorney, Enrico Renzoni. Juhasz said Bradacs had fled to Italy with her son last month after a Hungarian court awarded him custody of the child.

The filicide suspect, who is being held in a prison in Perugia, lived in a house in the Tuscan town of Chiusi Scalo belonging to a man who had run the now-closed nightclub where she had worked. Witnesses have reported that she allegedly abused her son the day before her death.

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