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World’s fastest roller coaster closes after bones shattered by 112mph speed

World’s fastest roller coaster closes after bones shattered by 112mph speed

The world’s fastest roller coaster was forced to shut down after thrill-seekers broke bones in the terrifying 112 mph walk. The ride, which goes from zero to 180 km / h in 1.56 seconds, has left at least six cyclists with broken bones, with four of them claiming to have a broken back or neck.

‘Do-Dodonpa’ was built in 2001 and runs at “super death” speed in Japan’s Fuji-Q Highland Park. The fast-accelerating roller coaster has been suspended until further notice due to horrific injuries. The incidents were reported to the authorities on August 17: officials were stunned. The park has said that it has only recently caused cyclists to break their bones, despite being in operation for two decades.

In 2017, the trip was modified to go even faster, from 106 mph to 112, and it said there were no reports of serious injuries until December. After an investigation, no technical problems were found according to Fuji-Q Highland. The attraction’s manufacturing company, Sansei Technologies, apologized to the injured customers but said it also did not know what caused the injuries.

Broken back and Neck

According to Naoya Miyasato, a Nihon University architecture professor who studies roller coaster designs, said accidents that result in broken bones are unheard of. Roller coaster designs must meet government-approved standards, so the fact that there are several similar accidents is unusual,” he said. VICE World News.

“If a rider can’t handle the acceleration, then he suffers an injury, which could be what’s happening here,” Miyasato said. Another problem could be the way passengers sit. “If they didn’t detect any serious concerns with the actual trip, then it could be the way people were sitting,” he explained to Vice.

“But if a person was sitting incorrectly, say with space between the back and the seat, it is the responsibility of the park employees to verify their position.” Before Do-Dodonpa, the fastest speed record was held by Superman: The Escape and Tower of Terror.

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Bone Breakdown

According to Safety Science in 2019, the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) reported that there is a one in 17 million chance of being seriously injured while traveling at a fixed location in the United States. In Scotland, two children were injured and eight victims treated by paramedics after a roller coaster derailed at a theme park.

The screams of the passengers were left crying after two carriages went off the tracks at Landmark Adventure Park in Carrbridge. A witness said the theme park was “full” at the time of the horrific incident and that the “accident” caused people to start “fleeing” the scene. Shocked families reported hearing a loud roar and screaming at 11:30 a.m. M.

A witness told The Scottish Sun: “I heard a big bang and screaming.”People came out crying and then the fire department arrived.”


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